Klarna: the convenience of payment in arrears
Klarna is the European market leader in invoice-based payments to webshops. Customers first have the order delivered and then pay in arrears, and possibly in instalments, to Klarna. They are not required to provide any confidential details. Klarna makes direct payment to workshops. Payments are 100% guaranteed.
Klarna has since 2005 being a specialist in providing user-friendly payment solutions for webshops and is active in 9 countries*. As 33% of consumers prefer payment in arrears on the basis of an invoice, this payment method can significantly raise the conversion of your webshop.
Your customers need not register and are only required to provide limited details. That makes this a very simple and low-threshold payment method. Klarna will increase the turnover and conversion of your webshop, with guaranteed payment directly from Klarna.
How does Klarna work?
The consumer places an order on a webshop and chooses to pay with Klarna. The consumer is then redirected to Klarna and asked to enter some basic particulars. The consumer can choose from two options: payment within 14 days or payment in installments. Klarna needs only a few seconds to check the consumer’s creditworthiness. If that is in order, the purchase is approved and an immediate message is sent to the webshop.
Who can pay with Klarna?
All consumers in any of the 9 countries in which Klarna is active can pay their online purchaser in arrears, and possibly in installments.