This page is outdated and not available any more.

Gateway Request API - CardGate


This API is to support backward compatibility, and the documentation is no longer actively maintained.
New options and modules can still be used in this version, but they will be documented in the CURO version using CURO naming for arguments and return values.

If you start a new implementation, please use the CURO version which can be found on here.

Variables Overview

The Request API expects that you send your customer to the gateway URL together with some variables. The variables can to be send by a POST or GET request.

Entry point of the gateway is
The CardGate protocol is designed to be backward compatible with earlier CardGate implementations.
Naming of arguments and which parameters you will receive on url_callback and url_success/failure/pending will be CardGate compatible.


A little code says more than words, so let's start with a full POST example page in PHP: A live demo can be viewed here, including the PHP source file (which is the same as above).
There is also a simple PHP Class demo available here

Overview of POST variables

In the table below you can find the optional- and required variables that you can send to the gateway.

Name Type* Required Description
test i optional With this variable you can do a test transaction. Possible values are 1 for a test transaction and 0 for a normal transaction.
option s optional If there is more then one payment method activated, the gateway will show a payment method selection page to the user.
You can skip this page by telling which payment method should be used. An overview of the possible values can be found under Available payment methods.
The preferred way is to always have the customer select the payment method on the website checkout page and pass that to the Payment Gateway!
siteid i required The ID of your site. This ID is listed in the Merchant Back-office under Sites.
currency s required The currency for the transaction. If you send a currency that is different from your default account currency, the gateway will try to make a conversion to the required currency.
Exactly 3 characters, for example EUR or USD.
If you would like to use multiple currencies, please contact us.
Multi-currency support also depends on the selected payment method! Please check with us if you need other currencies.
amount i required The amount in cents. If the customer needs to pay 10 euros, you need to send 1000
ref s required Your unique reference for this transaction, 128 characters maximum.
This value needs to be globally unique, including even test-transactions!
Beware if you reset your web-shop after you go from testing to production, or do a (major) upgrade your web-shop software.
description s optional Description for the transaction (32 characters maximum). This will be shown on the payment pages is supported by the payment method. If not specified the system will use the website name.
extra s optional Extra information for this transactions which will also be passed back in the Callback URL. Maximum 255 characters.
return_url s optional By sending the return_url variable, you will temporarily overwrite the setting of the return url value which is set in the site configuration.
return_url_failed s optional By sending the return_url_failed variable, you will temporarily overwrite the setting of the return url failed value which is set in the site configuration.
language s optional Preferred language for messages and input form (2 char max)
Possible options at this time:
  • Czech (cz)
  • German (de)
  • Danish (dk)
  • Spanish (es)
  • French (fr)
  • Greek (gr)
  • Hunguarian (hr)
  • Italian (it)
  • Dutch (nl) default
  • Russian (ru)
  • Swedish (se)
  • Turkish (tr)
hash s required A checksum code which is generated by using the hash key.
Exactly 32 characters
ip_address s advisable Consumer IP address. The IP in the HTTP headers will be used if no value is given (REMOTE_ADDR)
recurring i optional Use 1 to indicate the transaction as authoritive/mandate for recurring payments. Not supported for all payment methods.
Consumers must be informed about recurring payments when making the initial/authorizing payment in compliance with the rules of a SEPA Direct Debit transfer as agreed by all European banks!
Consumer information below will be used for anti-fraud checks, and will also be posted back to the Callback URL.

In case additional information is required for the chosen payment method, a form will be presented to the consumer to provide that information. Any POSTed fields will already be filled in, so please include any fields that are already present in your system.
first_name s optional First name of your customer (48 characters maximum)
last_name s optional Last name of your customer (48 chars max)
company_name s optional Customer company name (64 chars max)
email s advisable E-mail address of the customer (48 chars max)
address s optional The address of your customer (48 char max)
postal_code s optional The postal code of your customer (16 chars max)
city s optional The city of your customer (48 char max)
state s optional The state of your customer (48 char max)
country_code s optional The two letter country code of your customer, according to ISO 3166.
Exactly 2 characters, for example NL for the Netherlands or DE for Germany.
phone_number s optional The customers phone number (24 char max)

The fields below are required for Klarna transactions only.
dob s required Date of birth (YYYYMMDD or DD-MM-YYYY)
gender s required Consumers gender (F or M)
cartitems s required Cart items of the webshop order; Array in PHP serialized or JSON format.
The following fields must be present for each order line:
  • qty Quantity
  • id Article number
  • name Article name/title/description
  • price Article price (999.99)
  • ex optional 1 to indicate price is Excluding VAT
  • vat VAT amount
  • discount optional discount amount
*Types: i integer, s string

The Hash Key

To verify that the transaction request which is send to our gateway comes from a trusted source, all transaction requests should contain the hash variable.

Normal hash key calculation

The hash variable is an MD5 encoded string from the following values: siteid, amount, ref and the hash key which is set in the Merchant Back-office.

Calculation example in PHP:
$sHashKey "abcdefgh";
$hash md5$siteID $amount $ref $sHashKey );
The hash key should only be known to you and us. You can change this key at any time, just make sure both sides use the same key.

Hash in test-mode

For a transaction in 'test' mode, the hash calculation is slightly different. To avoid abuse of the ‘test’ mode to retrieve the correct ‘hash’ value for a live transaction, you should precede the variables with TEST in ‘test’ mode.

PHP Sample:
$sHashKey "abcdefgh";
$hash md5"TEST" $siteID $amount $ref $sHashKey );

Return URL

When the transaction has been processed, the consumer will be redirected to the return_url or return_url_failed depending on the status of the transaction.
For both URL's you can dynamically add any required arguments to continue the consumer session on you webshop when you submit the transaction data to the gateway.

Return URL failed arguments

The return_url_failed will automatically receive additional parameters indicating the reason of the failure.

This information depends on the payment method and may not be available in some cases!

Name Type* Description
cgpstatus s Status description:
  • pending
  • failed
  • cancelled
  • expired
cgpstatusid i Status code indicating the reason of the failure. See Status codes
cgpref s Merchant reference

Payment Methods

In the checkout page of the webshop, you should present the possible payment methods to the consumer, and pass the selected method value to the gateway in parameter option.

For payment method "iDEAL" you should also show the possible banks to the user on your checkout page.
The selected bank can be passed to the gateway in parameter suboption.

Currently, the following payment methods are available:
Payment method Value Availability
Credit card creditcard Worldwide
iDEAL ideal
SOFORTbanking directebanking
Bancontact / Mister Cash mistercash
PayPal paypal Worldwide
Giropay giropay
Bank transfer banktransfer Worldwide
SEPA Direct Debit directdebit Europe (SEPA countries)
Klarna postpay klarna (alleen invoice)

Test Transactions

To perform a test transaction, you must send the variable test with the value 1 to the gateway. Please remember about the additional prefix in the hash calculation for test transactions.

Test Simulator

In test mode for other payment methods, you will be redirected to a "Simulator" page on the CURO system where you can simulate a transaction pending, failure or succes result by clicking the buttons displayed.


After the transaction request has been verified at the gateway, your customer can finalize the transaction. After every transaction, successful or unsuccessful, the gateway will send a request to the Callback URL you have set.

When using the FORM API, the Callback URL can only be pre-set in the backoffice ( for security reasons.
Please see Set Up Your Site for instructions.

The ‘Callback URL’ will be requested with the following POST variables:
Name Type Description
transaction_id s This is the CURO transaction ID: TYYM12345678
  • T from "Transaction"
  • YY year number
  • M month as hexadecimal (1-9, A=10, B=11, C=12)
  • 12345678 8 digit unique number
The total length is always 12 characters.
site_id i Site ID for this transaction.
is_test i Tells if the transaction was in test mode (1) or live mode (0).
ref s Your unique reference for the transaction.
extra s Optional extra information that was submitted to the gateway for this transaction.
status i Status code of the transaction. See Status Codes for a list of values.
LEGACY ALERT This argument will not differentiate between states like Cancel and Expire, because of backward compatibility!
Please use status_id if you need more details.
status_id i Status code of the transaction. See Status Codes for a list of values.
currency s The three letter currency symbol, for example EUR, USD or GBP.
amount i The amount of the transaction in cents.
billing_option s The payment method which has been used to do the transaction. Possible values can be found under Available payment methods.
transaction_fee i The total transaction fee. This is the sum of transaction_fee_bank and transaction_fee_cgp.
transaction_fee_bank i The transaction fee that will be charged directly by the acquiring bank if applicable.
transaction_fee_cgp i The transaction fee that will be charged by CURO.
Consumer information below will only be available if it was received in a POST from the website, or entered on the payment page hosted on the gateway.
customer_firstname s optional The first name of your customer
customer_lastname s optional The last name of your customer
customer_company s optional The company name of your customer
customer_address s optional The address of your customer
customer_zipcode s optional The zipcode of your customer
customer_countrycode s optional The country code of your customer (2 chars)
customer_phonenumber s optional The phone number of your customer
customer_email s optional The email address of your customer
customer_ip_address s optional The IP address of your customer
The following fields are used originally for Credit Card transactions. Upon request these fields will also be used to return consumer account details for other payment options if that information is available.
card_type s optional The type of card that has been used by your customer:
  • mastercard – Mastercard scheme
  • visa – VISA scheme
  • amex – American Express scheme
  • maestro – Maestro debit cards
  • ideal.(BIC) – iDEAL bank BIC/SWIFT code
  • mistercash – Bancontact/Mister cash
  • directebanking – SOFORT banking (formerly DIRECTebanking)
cardnumber_masked s optional creditcard/mistercash The masked card number of your customer.
card_expirydate s optional Expiry date of the consumers card
card_number s optional IBAN number of the consumer
card_name s optional Name of the consumer as returned by the acquirer
threed_secure s optional Indicates if the customer used 3D secure to finalize the transaction. Possible values are:
  • Y – Yes
  • N – No
  • U – Unknown
  • E – An error has occured
For more information about 3D secure, please contact our sales department.
hash s To verify the callback we send a calculated hash variable.
See Callback Hash for more information on how this is calculated.
error s optional Payment method specific error if available.
errordescription s optional Payment method specific error description if available.
processor_ref s optional Payment method specific reference code.
original_transaction_id i optional Original transaction ID in case of recurring payments.

Hash in Callback

To be certain the callback is coming from CURO, all requests to the Callback URL will contain a hash variable.

This hash variable is an MD5 encoding of the following values: transaction_id, currency, amount, ref, status and the hash key which is set by you in the Merchant Back-office. The hash key should only be known to you and us. You can change this key at any given time, as long as you change it in your code as well.

Test mode Hash

Just like when sending a request to our gateway in test mode, the word TEST is added to the beginning of the string for test transactions.

PHP example verification

You can verify the ‘hash’ variable In the programming language PHP as follows:

=  'abcdefgh';
// Set correct prefix for test/live transactions
if( '1' == $_POST['is_test'] ) {
$sPrefix 'TEST';
} else {
$sPrefix '';
$sHashVerify md5$sPrefix $_POST['transactionid'] . $_POST['currency'] . $_POST['amount'] . $_POST['ref'] . $_POST['status'] . $sHashKey);

if ( 
$sHashVerify == $_POST['hash'] ) {
// Transaction OK
    // We should check currency, amount and status in our own system using $_POST['ref'] here
exit( $_POST['transactionid'] . '.' $_POST['status'] );

}  else  {
// Transaction not OK!
mail'security@mydomain.tld''Hash verification error!'print_r($_POST,1) );
// Indicate a problem by sending an unexpected response
exit( 'ERROR' );

Callback Response

The gateway expects a response containing the CURO transaction ID, a dot (.) and the status code. For example:

In this example, 3562456 is the transaction ID and 200 is the status code.

For a failed transaction the response should be:
3562456 is the transaction ID and 300 is the status code.
The status is used by default because of backward compatibility with older implementations.
You can also reply using the status_id in your response.

Important Notes on Callback

When processing the callback, please be aware of the following:

Multiple Callbacks

Depending on the payment method, it is possible that a callback is send by our gateway more than once. Although this happens rarely, it would be unwelcome to process this callback as another transaction.
Because every callback includes your unique ref, you can check on your side if the transaction has already been processed. If you receive another callback with the same ref and same status code, you can ignore this callback.

The above mentioned applies only to unsuccessful transactions. For successful transactions you will receive only one callback.

Callback order

It is possible that our system sends a status 200 (‘Transaction successful’) first and a status 300 (‘Transaction unsuccessful’) after that. In this case, the status 200 is always final. You can be assured that the transaction has been processed successfully when you receive a status 200.

Unique reference

The unique reference must be unique in both test- and live mode. Please beware if you switch from testing to live or when upgrading your webshop software.

Please make sure you never use the same reference code for a transaction! Although payments and payouts will be possible, this will corrupt the transaction details in the CURO System!

Originating IP address

Due to possible DDos vulnerability we do not cummunicate these addresses on this public page.
Please contact us for the originating IP addresses if you want need this information.

Specific options: iDEAL

With iDEAL payments it is possible and advisable to redirect the user directly to the site of the bank from your payment page. To achieve this you must send the variable suboption to our gateway.

The variable suboption is a string that contains the issuer-code for each supported bank.

List of banks

You can retrieve the latest list of banks from the Gateway cache in several formats.

PHP Serialized
This list is prepared to be used in an HTML SELECT element, and the 1st element is empty.
You can of course overwrite or remove this element to prevent user error.
PHP Sample
$sBankOptions file_get_contents('');
if( empty(
$sBankOptions) || $sBankOptions[0]!='a' ) {
# Fallback in case of an error
   $sBankOptions 'a:11:{i:0;s:0:"";s:8:"ABNANL2A";s:13:"ABN Amro Bank";s:8:"ASNBNL21";s:8:"ASN Bank";s:8:"BUNQNL2A";s:4:"bunq";s:8:"INGBNL2A";s:3:"ING";s:8:"KNABNL2H";s:4:"Knab";s:8:"RABONL2U";s:8:"Rabobank";s:8:"RBRBNL21";s:9:"RegioBank";s:8:"SNSBNL2A";s:8:"SNS Bank";s:8:"TRIONL2U";s:12:"Triodos Bank";s:8:"FVLBNL22";s:21:"Van Lanschot Bankiers";}';
$aBankOptions unserialize($sBankOptions);
$aBankOptions[0]); # Remove blank option
# Convert to HTML
$sBankOptions '<optgroup label="Kies uw bank">';
$aBankOptions as $k => $v ) {
$v[0]=='-' ) {
$sBankOptions .= '<optgroup label="'.str_replace('-','',$v).'">';
   } else {
$sBankOptions .= '<option value="'.$k.'">'.$v.'</option>';
$sBankOptions.= '</optgroup>';

JSON Encoded

This Javascript Array contains an id and name element for each bank containing the issuer-code and issuer-name respectively.


XML list of issuers in the iDEAL V3.3 (SEPA) format.

Specific options: Klarna

After a consumer has chosen to pay with Klarna, CURO will create a Klarna transaction which is "Not Shipped".
After you ship the products to the consumer, the order needs to be Activated in the backoffice so Klarna will start collecting from the consumer.

If there's something wrong with the order, it is also possible to Cancel the order in the backoffice

Transaction Status Codes

Below is a list of the status codes that are currently being used by the CURO system:

Status code Description
0 Transaction pending/in process. The transaction was created in the CURO system but there has not yet been an update of the payment method.
100 100 Authorization successful
150 3D secure status ‘Y’ (yes), waiting for 3D secure authentication
152 3D secure status ‘N’ (no)
154 3D secure status ‘U’ (unknown)
156 3D secure status ‘E’ (error)
200 200 Transaction successful
210 Recurring transaction successful
300 Transaction failed
301 Transaction failed due to anti fraud system
305 Transaction was cancelled by the user
308 Transaction was expired by the payment method
309 Transaction cancelled by the consumer
310 Recurring transaction failed
350 Transaction failed, time out for 3D secure authentication
351 Transaction failed, non-3D Secure transactions not allowed
400 Refund to customer
410 Chargeback to customer
700 Transaction waits for user action or confirmation by the acquirer
710 Waits for user action or confirmation by the acquirer for a recurring transaction

Version Info

Date       Name Ver.  Notes
10-11-2009  BZ  2.00  Initial version
26-04-2010  BZ  2.10  Changes in test mode
                      Added new payment methods
08-06-2010  BZ  2.11  Changes to 'Payment page description'
04-05-2011  BZ  2.22  Added ‘hash’ check in callback
                      Added direct connection to iDEAL banks
                      Updated iDEAL banks
19-08-2011  BZ  2.23  Added Triodos Bank to iDEAL
11-07-2013  LH  2.24  Separate iDEAL suboption page
20-02-2014  LH  3.01  Online HTML version
16-03-2014  LH  3.02  Updated accepted POST variables. Style fixes
15-12-2014  LH  3.03  Fixes; Originating IP's and extra argument added
13-05-2015  LH  3.04  Consequent naming of hash key
15-03-2016  RB  3.05  Better menu